Seit Jahren hab isch Rücken Tour…

Aus der Sicht von Stefan W. aka. Spielberg / Stefan’s point of view:

Again only a short morning. We started going before the sun reached its highest point … and that was definitely to early but what can you do, we again had some 600 kilometres to go today! Luckily we soon made a stop where we could drink a coffee and try the famous Bugatsa, which was indeed a tasty thing. We were driving far more east to Alexandropolis and spotted several Macedonian flags on the way. Our local guides told us about the complications with the FYROM and of course the topic “300 – the movie” came up. The brave Spartan warriors again ignited ancient feelings for combat, bravery and “in the old days everything was better” deep in our souls!

We arrived in Alexandropoulos and immediately fell in love with “Domus club”, tonight’s concert location: A pavilion surrounded by trees, not far from the sea, with various possibilities of sitting outside and enjoying a frappe or a beer, fountains near the entry, a really lounge-like ambient on the inside, … great place! The boss of place, “Disco Stew”, offered us drinks and made us relax. Ahhhh, that’s a life! We took our drinks and to the sea side. Our first visit of the beach since we were in Greece. Hmm, not the nicest beach, dirty, windy, cold, huge cargo ships on the horizon, but anyway: it was beach, so we made a little photo session. We took a walk at the charming street on the beach side and accidentally passed by a Souvlaki place, which immediately made us hungry. Strange these coincidences sometimes…

We came back to the club and made the soundcheck. Then we were brought to our hotel rooms (yeah, staying in hotel rooms feels so damn professional! hehe) where we took a rest before this third long night in a row along with short mornings.

Full with energy and the strong desire to rock Greece one more night before going back to Germany, we came back to the club and found quite a big audience there already. Together with the great feeling of the location and this night being the last of our Greece tour, we all were really anxious on having a good time here!


And this one was definitely the best. We rocked so damn much. First we thought having only small combo amps could get a problem. But with the help of jens we did it and it was a great night. Again we had a good merch and a great time. But by the time Bull Doza started their first song after our show Bebis collapsed (the singer). We all were shocked. We called the emergency service and he was brought to the hospital. He was too tired and had to much alcohol….

Sunday, April the 22nd 2007

Since the night in the club was not that long, getting up this morning was not as complicated as usually. We met with all the other guys in a cafeteria in the centre of Alexandropoulos and got to know, that Bebis was doing better already. That was good news, somehow the last evening still was present in our heads every minute! We had long frappe time in that cafeteria, then visited the beach again, this time a nicer one than before and then before leaving to Thessaloniki again, we payed a visit to the hospital Bebis was laying in. University hospital, impressively big! We found our fallen hero and were very pleased to see him getting better.

Then we started our way home, which took us once more to Thessaloniki, where we spent our last night in Greece with some beers, having a nice evening, and then returned home to Berlin, a return including a train ride at 7 am from Thessaloniki to Athens arriving just in time to get the plane to Berlin.

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