Seit Jahren hab isch Rücken Tour…

Aus der Sicht von Stefan W. aka. Spielberg / Stefan’s point of view:

We had to get up quite early because we had some 600 kilometers to go. We split up for our way to Thessaloniki, for there was not enough place in the 80s bus. So some of us were going by public transport KTEL busses.


The other group (which was the band 🙂 was taken by Billy in a T3 and Alex in his small Fiesta. We had a very nice landscape while on the road but also a lot of strange drivers (you can buy your licence over there). Of course we drank a lot of Frapé, a drink that should change our lives forever. Like souvlaki had already done…

On our way we passed by Mount Olympus and were immediately fulfilled with the Ancient Greek spirit. We looked for big white linen to dress in a appropriate way, but we couldn’t find any. Maybe it was better that we kept our Metal shirts, ’cause it didn’t long and we entered Thessaloniki: Hometown of Bull-Doza, the best Greek Souvlaki, Bougatsa, probably the major Greek Rock scene and more …

We directly went to the Rock Buttom Club, which was tonight’s location to rock! Again a very nice club, even more Rock and Metal atmosphere than the An Club in Athens and also a it smaller, which made much more cozier. The wall behind the stage was decorated with medieval weaponry and brought up some of our deepest male combat instincts, hehe. The soundcheck was done and the guys from Bull-Doza then brought us to one of their favorites Souvlaki in town. So now the time had come to put “the best Greek Souvlaki” to a test! They ordered two giant plates filled with Souvlaki, other grilled meat and french fries, which by far overcame our expectations. We could have eaten there for hours, but unfortunately after at least one kilo of meat each we began not to feel hungry anymore and of course the concert was going to begin soon.


The Concert was strange: We had a weird sound, we had tearing strings, problems with the amps, drums. But we rocked the people as far as we could and were happy when it was over. We were quite done. A Special notice: In Greece band normally don’t have own amps and drums. They have rehearsal rooms where these things are shared and clubs have an own backline. You can have luck like in An Club but a Marshall JCM 2000 simply sucks.

After the concert we quite soon left the club and brought away the equipment to have less to worry about when entering the city’s night life. (a part of the band went to Alex to play Wii). Our local guides took us to the “X-Club”, just a few streets away from the concert location. There was kind of an Erasmus party going on and we made our way through young and mostly already drunken people in the club to get to the “cool” table that seemed to be reserved for us. The music was … a bit different to the one in the Underground club in Athens. More like popular dancing music. “It could be worse” we said to ourselves, enjoyed the bottle of Johnnie Walker BLACK LABEL, that was kindly brought to our table and danced the night away. The guys from Bull-Doza, who were with us, or the club staff really wanted us to have a good time ’cause they kept supporting our good moods with different alcoholic drinks like ouzo mix drinks or a submarine (vodka and beer)!

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